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Thursday, August 12, 2010

PCBs ordered

After some last minute discussion with Nyle regarding physical location for the filter caps/resistors I froze the current layouts. It took all my willpower to hit "submit order" on this one. It was a lot of money. Here's hoping people will actually buy some of these modules to recoup some of the investment. :)

Nyle also played the mini system for me on the phone. He's using an old VCF he still had, but it still sounded great. It's satisfying to see this project moving along and getting so close.

The current order of PCBs won't be for sale, but for final prototyping and test building.

ENVDL #1/#2
Trigger converter 8-S to V and 8-V to S converters (general purpose stand alone or on top of another module)
Trigger converter 4-S to V and 12-V to S converters (mostly for the sequencer)
A bunch of "chiclet" PCBs to allow easier panel mounting of trimmers for the VCO.

Most are smaller quantities, like 5 or 10, but I did buy extra power/regulation boards, because you need one on each module, and a boat load of the chiclets since they are small and very cheap.

I decided to go with the PCB shop I've been using, They have always done a great job for me. I also purchased expedited shipping so I could get the PCBs received and going.

Next, while I'm waiting for PCBs, I need to look into shopping carts I guess for web ordering. I'm thinking PayPal is the way to go as they will take cash or credit cards.

Stay tuned.


  1. Hi David,

    Although I wasn't fast enough to be part of the beta-testing pool (my, that went quick on sdiy !), I'd like to start already with some panel layout sketches.
    I've been thinking of staying very close to the original designs, so I was wondering if you have some hi-res pictures of the system, or perhaps a source where I'd find them ? Ideally they should be very detailed, so I can make out exact dimensions and spacings and such... and maybe you could ask Nyle which typeface he used ?

    Cheers !

  2. Send me an email, and I think I can help you out with a lot of your questions.

    dingebre [at] 3dphysics [dot] net
